Print & Framing Information

All Fine Art Prints and Framed Prints are printed on Master Fine Art Smooth Cotton paper. Master Fine Art Smooth Cotton paper is one of the world’s most popular papers and is a valued all-rounder for high-quality pigment printing. The white cotton artist’s paper, with its wonderfully soft feel, boasts a lightly defined felt structure, lending each artwork a three-dimensional appearance and impressive pictorial depth. This paper produces outstanding prints that feature brilliant colours, deep blacks, striking contrasts and perfect reproduction of detail. All prints come digitally signed in the bottom right hand corner.

Framed prints are available in three different framing styles - Tasmanian Oak, Satin Black & Satin White. The finished print is carefully mounted to board with archival adhesive, matted and then framed in Italian sourced mouldings with a lightweight acrylic glazing that is optically pure & lightweight with UV properties that protects your picture. All frames are a medium frame (approximately 20x30mm) and come ready to hang. Size ordered is the actual print size, not including matting and framing. For further information, see below.

  • This moulding is coated in satiny matte gesso, made from sustainable timber. Very smooth and consistent texture, made in Italy.

    The frame features lightweight acrylic glazing that both protects and assists in prints preserving their original colour. The acrylic has UV properties, non yellowing properties and is optically pure.

  • This moulding is coated in satiny matte gesso, made from sustainable timber. Very smooth and consistent texture, made in Italy.

    The frame features lightweight acrylic glazing that both protects and assists in prints preserving their original colour. The acrylic has UV properties, non yellowing properties and is optically pure.

  • The Tasmanian Oak is a raw pure timber moulding made locally to specifications. It varies a lot in colour due to being a natural product. The raw unfinished look is worth it. It possess a real and raw feel and like something from another time.

    The frame features lightweight acrylic glazing that both protects and assists in prints preserving their original colour. The acrylic has UV properties, non yellowing properties and is optically pure.

30cm x 46cm (12 x 18”)

40cm x 60cm (16 x 24”)

50cm x 75cm (20 x 30”)

60cm x 90cm (24 x 36”)

30cm x 46cm (12 x 18”)

40cm x 60cm (16 x 24”)

50cm x 75cm (20 x 30”)

60cm x 90cm (24 x 36”)